September 2, 2011

A Different Type of Ceremony

A bit over a month ago I was offered the opportunity to shoot my friends sisters Mehndi ceremony, and the next day of rituals. It was an amazing experience, and something I will be forever thankful for. It was quite a step out of my comfort zone. I was the only non-Indian on both days and that meant they were all speaking Indian around me. I of course, though pretty good at Italian, am mainly an English speaking girl, so I was completely surrounded by a foreign language. I loved it though. I could sit and listen to different languages all day, but enough of that. The chance to take pictures was awesome. I was a bit lost at first, as I didn't know what parts of any ritual was important (so we ended up with many pictures, just to be safe) but I got into it and quite enjoyed myself. I've compiled a few images from both days for your enjoyment!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So beautiful Kay-Kay. I am so proud of you and what an awesome experience for you!