January 25, 2011

What is Literature

[Had to write this for class, we were asked what is literature, and just had to do a freewrite on it]

What is Literature?
                Literature is that which can be read, but is not what is known as “leisurely reading”. When one reads literature they can be taken on an adventure, they can be taught a lesson, they can learn, but really I believe it lies in the openness for interpretation. This is the main difference between what we call “literature” and any other writing. Literature speaks to us, it is universal, there is always something the author is trying to portray, some point they are getting across. Whether it is a universal message or a lesson, they teach the reader. It is a form of human expression, an art.
Take “The Death of Ivan Ilych” for example. Now compare that to say a romance novel you pick up on your way through the airport. Ivan Ilych is literature. Something taught in school, something with symbolism, and themes. Watching him waste away to his death we saw him brought to a revelation about himself. He realized that his actions in society did no good for anyone other than himself. It was shocking and yet gave him a peaceful ending. Walking away from reading that book you’re left pondering. You might think about reevaluating the way you live your life. You think and you don’t forget the book right away. The characters stay with you for a while, because they are easily relatable.  Then on the other side we have the romance novel at the airport coffee shop. It’s usually the clichéd romance; quick and easy leisurely reading, to be done on one plane ride. When you finish it nothing resonates in you, you haven’t come away with a better sense of the world or yourself. It’s what is called “genre fiction” and it’s nice while you read it, but you forget it once you’re done. The characters have no real substance. The plot flows, but has no real meaning. It’s not literature.
Its not just prose writing either. Literature can also be poetry. Like Robert Frost and Sylvia Plath. Who decided they would be literature, which person got to include them in the school curriculum, and why? Because their poems have a depth that not everyone can comprehend. They need to be read over and over again by scholars, students, and artists. There isn’t one meaning, one interpretation. It all depends on the reader. One may see it as dreadfully depressing; one may view it as a sad story with an uplifting ending. Either way these readers are finding meaning in the poem, they are connecting with it in ways that you just can’t possibly do with some other poetry. An angsty teen falls in and out of love, a person sees a red bird sitting on a tree, and someone else tries to find a rhyme with orange. These aren’t literature because their meaning just barely scrapes the surface. There is no deep connection, no human expression that the author deemed important enough to convey to their readers.
                Literature can be many things, and maybe it is all things. Who are we to decide what literature is unless we can get into the minds of all the writers in the world. I’m sure many of them sit down to write and have some theme or meaning they start with that might just not be apparent to us yet. But in the end, we are left reading what the scholars have called literature despite the fact there may be much more undiscovered “literature” out there.

January 22, 2011

Writers Block

I need someone to save me from myself.
Im the worst procrastinator in the world.
And for some reason I can not PHYSICALLY write this paper.
Dead serious. Like I can write this, and i wrote a 3 par long email.
But when i sit down to the paper...well lets just say I feel dumb, my mind goes blank.
I have one of six-eight pages done. And its not even good yet.
My gosh.
I despise my school habits.
They will change for this semester.
I promise, i've never actually promised that before.
Maybe it will work.
Its not like there is anything else to distract me anyways.
Im done with Facebook, and Flickr, and Twitter stuff.
I could go spam Matts Formspring, but i dont even have the motivation for that.
Dude people, why are you here. Go look at my Flickr.
Unless you came from there, in which case go ask me questions on Formspring!
Im also sorry if i've been short with you, or rude, or ignored you.
Because I didnt mean it. Sometimes I get stressed.
I know right? Its rare you hear that.
But I do. And usually those near me feel it.
I <3 you all.

January 17, 2011

Regency and Ruched Knots

Today we went bridesmaid dress shopping!
It was exciting, and fun. After some disappointment at the first stop we soon were overjoyed to find that Davids Bridal had exactly what the bride was looking for.
For those of you more interested in the dress click here: http://www.davidsbridal.com/Product_Short-Spaghetti-Strap-Dress-with-Pleated-Bust-F14025_Bridal-Party-Bridesmaids-Short-Bridesmaid-Dresses
and click on the color "Regency" and thats the dress :)
The shoes are champagne colored, with a "ruched knot" to match the gathering in the dress.
Overall I think they will be a beautiful compliment to the stunning bride on her day!

Im also wearing my retainer right now. Idk why, i just decided to. Its really tight, and its amazing how much teeth can move. maybe I'll wear it til the big day (May 21st) and then have perfectly straight teeth for the pictures :)

Speaking of pictures. The photographer might be my friend wooooot. That would be extremely exciting. Im not going to tell you any more details yet. Because it might jinx it or something, but yes. That'd be cool :)

Have a nifty night. Keep smiling :D

January 16, 2011

Blown out of the Water...

You know how sometimes you sit down and for dinner say you'll have one thing then as soon as the waiter comes you make a split decision and order something else?
You know how you get up in the morning with plans to be healthy and go out and take a walk, but as soon as you open the door and feel the cold you turn around and sit in front of the fire instead?
You know how you have thoughts and ideas about a person and then something happens and all of that is blown out of the water?

Amazing really, how quickly your mind can change its mind ;) Im going to be taking a cognitive psych class in this up coming semester. I'm very intrigued by things like this. And last night one of those 3 happened to me. Guess and make it whichever you want. Because I'm not telling you :) Who knows who reads this. Oh did I give it away. No, haha. I could have lied to someone about one of those. You will never knowwww. Unless i already told you, and those people don't read this blog. Umm moving on...

Know whats great about the internet? Everyone can be connected. Know whats bad about the internet? Everyone is connected. I don't know who sees this, i don't know who sees my Flickr. All I know is who I am friends with on Facebook. So really you cant free your mind on the internet for fear of being exposed to everyone. For fear you may offend someone. Once upon a time my parents didn't read my Flickr. Now I know they do. So apparently do the parents of kids I babysit. And so does my neighbor. He took a day and read every single post I have ever written on here. Pretty unexpected, but surely welcome. Im putting it on the internet, anyone is welcome to read it. Not that I write anything people shouldn't see, but its good to know everyone does, so I can always remember to check myself.

I like being the kind of person who knows that she doesn't have to constantly check herself and remember who she is around though. The person you see when i'm at school, the person while babysitting, the person with friends or family. They are all the same person. I don't have to change how I act because the way I act is acceptable in every situation. Its nice knowing I can be myself without consequences.

So I started this blog post because I wanted to organize my thoughts and let out how I felt about something last night. But then ended up not even explaining it because I left it a secret and instead went into rambles about why I couldnt tell you. Okay, I'll tell you. It was number 3. And I thought I was doing well with my thoughts. With my perceptions of this person. Then it all changed, and any progress I had of going in one direction with my thoughts was completely blown out of the water. There. Have fun imagining the rest.

Im going to try and do this more. My mom writes little posts. So Im thinking if i didnt sit down to write so much, i could write simple thoughts, and inspirations, etc. Kind of like people use Tumblr. I dont want one of those. And twitter is only 140 characters. Maybe I should take my favorite tweets and share them lol. idk, it will be random. Story of my life, right? ;)

Have a great day! I hear there may be a luge ride in my future today.