He was little, he was plump, and he was blue. If you were sad he could sing a song to you. If you were happy he could sing along with you. He was always there to put a smile on your face. Always there to give you some cheer. But no one ever asked about him. No one asked if the little blue bird needed a friend. Needed someone to smile for him. He was taken for granted. He was often forgotten. You wanted a new pool so you cut down some trees. You cut down his tree. His nest he’d worked so hard to perfect. But he was okay. He sang his tears away. He took his time and built an even better nest. But then you got a cat. A cat to make the kids happy. He no longer had a safe haven in the backyard. Constantly on patrol, the cat claimed her territory. She stalked his tree, his better nest he’d built, his birdbath. The fear became too much, he lost his will to sing. You didn’t notice. You carried on with your life. One day the little blue bird got up and flew away. Sad tears in his eyes, he left his beautiful nest and the yard he’d called home since birth. One day too late you noticed you no longer heard his songs. His cheerful tunes were gone. In changing your life you’d changed his.
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