October 25, 2010

October 25th

He’s coming. I know He’s coming. He knows I know He’s coming. I can feel it. The air is cold. He’s sent his frost demons ahead of Him. They freeze the warmth, the cheer, any happiness in the air. They prepare the way. They let you know He is coming. He knows that. That’s why He sends them. He has a flair for theatricality. He wants you to be shivering. Not everyone is always afraid. So this way He is sure you shiver. It makes Him feel like you are trembling for Him, because of fear of Him. But I’m prepared. I know about the frost demons. I’ve met them before. I was younger then. I was scared.  But I got away. Before He could show up. Now it was time. I was ready. I wasn’t going to fight Him. I wasn’t going to be scared. I sit in my chair. My big comfy leather arm chair. I’m waiting. He’s coming. He’s almost here. It’s time. I begin to smile. I laugh. He won’t take me scared. I won’t be mournful. No. I was willing and happy. He’s here. I greet him joyfully. I close my eyes. I let Death take me back home with his frost demons. 

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