March 1, 2010

365 Challenge


I’ve been absent. I know. I apologize. Its been busy. Very busy. I’ve got school. Coming up on midterms. I’ve got babysitting. Gotta save that money for Norway this summer. I’ve got wedding planning. Only a few months til June. I’ve got funerals. Two in two weeks. (oh and my fish just died but we didnt have a funeral for him). I have also been doing this thing called The Flickr 365 Challenge though. The point of this challenge is to grow as a photographer. You take a picture a day. Not just going out and taking a picture of whatever you happen upon but kind of planning it. So I should put more thought into this. If I can take a picture a day that is usually thought out, then write a description I should be able to write a few paragraphs for you guys. But if you are feeling Kay-withdrawal because I'm not keeping up with this and you want to see something from me then you can always head over to my Flickr page. I'm only on day 17 so feel free to catch up :)

So guess what I love. Sun, spring, wind. Today was one of those sunny windy, reminds you of what spring is days. I took Tina out and we made our rounds at Brooksvale. The wind was a bit chilly at times but 659 pictures later we were more then satisfied. We headed out to a wake then to Chili’s for dinner. Now I have to sit through all these pictures, see what’s good, what’s not. I think we may have a few stop motions in the works. Which, if i do, will be on Flickr or Facebook. If you have a care to see I could always inform you of those as well. I know this isnt an amazing blog entry or anything. But this is my way of bridging that gap between the last one and what will soon become, hopefully, a more steady stream of entries. Off to the pictures I go. Have a wonderful evening.

Oh and that guy who reminded me of my lackluster blogging that you should all be thanking and reading: Jacob the Awesomest Kid Ever


1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

Haha and yeah I've been lacking my blog comments...guess I just haven't had time. Oh yeah, I've totally been enjoying your 365 day challenge on flickr! I think I'm gonna do that after my history project :)