December 3, 2009


Yes…the title says Jacob. “Who?" you ask may this be?  Well I will tell you. He is probably one of the most awesome people i have met this past year. I met him a year ago, a friend of my friend Mike. We went to the mall and Jacob was one of the reasons it was an enjoyable trip. He is just plain funny. I think after becoming a world famous musician he can become a world famous comedian. But maybe that's just me. So on this trip Jacob continued to make us laugh after trying to play in the little kids playground thingy, changing all the hats on the mannequins and telling us we could get diabetes from a Cinnabon cinnamon roll. It was the beginning of a great friendship.

So now that you know him you’re asking why do i mention him? Why is he the title of this post? Simply because he is my inspiration. The reason I am writing this blog. He recently started his own blog ( Its hilarious and I love reading it. Really look forward to each time he updates it which he so kindly informs us about on Facebook :). The fact he is keeping it up, and that he decided to read mine, made me think I shoudl update mine more then once a century haha. Elizabeth I know i promised in the last one I would write more….and didnt…so this is for you as well has him okay?

So whats new in the life of Kay? Well not much really other then a hugely busy weekend coming up! With wreath making, a trip to Sturbridge village, meeting my “little” (BIg Brother Big SIster Program) a carol service and rehearsal for that as well, I am quite booked. While seeing friends in between my car is going to be everywhere! I best go get gas tomorrow!

Well its late…and i am doing homework. So this shall have to satisfy for now. Maybe it will be my new years resolution to write more…hmm still got time for that ;)



Jacob said...

Thanks! I really appreciate it haha, keep up the good work. This blog is my new favorite thing. It's officially bookmarked.

Elizabeth said...

He sounds like a pretty awesome if you ask me :) New year's resolution...they never work just so you know. You see, I made one last year to just make bed my bed everyday and I broke that after a week. I'm telling you they really don't :( LOL. But please do give yours a try at least :) haha!!

Glad to have you back !!

p.s. on my blog is not showing all my posts? I can't see them and I was wondering about anybody else.

Kay Walker said...

He is pretty awesome :)My new years resolutions have never worked either, but maybe if i get started now it will be that much of a habit by the time new years comes around!

Elizabeth said...

That's true...I should try that and see how it goes :) haha.