August 29, 2009


Let others know a little more about yourself, re-post this as your name followed by "ology" 
What is your favorite salad dressing?
I do no eat salad dressing

What is your favorite sit-down restaurant?
Hmm well I always eat at Applebees…oh I KNOW! Ruby Tuesdays! A soup and salad bar plus their blackberry lemonade (which i am in love with) would have to make it my favorite

What food could you eat for 2 weeks straight and not get sick of it?
peanut butter. I kinda already do.

What are your pizza toppings of choice?
Buffalo Chicken
What do you like to put on your toast?
Butter, Peanut Butter, Cinnamon and Sugar
How many televisions are in your house?

2. only 1 is really used though

What color cell phone do you have?

What does the first text message in your in box say and who sent it?
Its from Adnan and says “WAKE UP!!”
Who was the last person to call you?

Jane about carpooling

Are you right-handed or left-handed?
Have you ever had anything removed from your body?

What is the last heavy item you lifted?

uhh a 90ish pound person 
If it were possible, would you want to know the day you were going to die?
No, Maybe the time period so i could know how long I live but I wouldnt want to be always dreading that one particular day 
If you could change your name, what would you change it to?
I like my name very much actually. Short and simple :)
Would you drink an entire bottle of hot sauce for $1000?
No probably not, I can find better things to do with my time to earn money

How many pairs of flip flops do you own?
2…i think…maybe 3
When is the last time you had a run in with the cops?
When I was little and told the lady on the phone I was home alone when I really wasnt and they showed up asking mom why she left me home alone. haha whoops
Last person you talked to in person:
Tina. She said goodnight

Favorite Month(s)?
Missing someone?
Yes actually I am. College time…that happens  
Happy, exhausted….have a headache and should be going to sleep
What are you listening to?
The crickets outside my window and the faint hum of the dryer
My phone waiting for a text and the screen as the letters come on it

Worrying about?

If i can wake up in the morning to get to Quinnipiac then church

Last movie you saw

uhhhh wow…i dont even know…I love you Beth Cooper?
Do you smile often?
Could probably do it more. I like to smile. 
Do you always answer your phone?
Yes I do. Whether or not I know the number. Probably the only time I wont answer it is in church or at dinner which is understandable i am sure
It’s four in the morning and you get a text message, who is it?

ummm, jimmy, or kyle, or adnan…
If you could change your eye color what would it be?
I like my blue eyes. maybe a brighter blue.

Do you own a digital camera?
YES! and i LOVE it. Canon Rebel Xsi.
Have you ever had a pet fish?
I currently have 5.
Favorite Christmas song
The Christmas Shoes

What’s on your wish list for your birthday

I really dont know as of right now…its hard for me to think of things i want

Can you do pushups?

occasionally….but not many.
Can you do a chin up?
havent done it in a while so truthfully i dont know. 

Does the future make you more nervous or excited?

IMore excited then nervous for sure 
Ever been in a car wreck?
Nope and i am glad.
What is the last song to make you cry?
The Christmas shoes

Plans tonight?
SLEEP! Just got home from a bday party that was like a rave
Have you ever felt like you hit rock bottom?
No not really. No where I would classify as rock bottom

Name three things you bought yesterday.

Lemonade, BLT….thats all i bought…dead serious…

Have you ever been given roses?

No, I would like some though. I love roses

Do you have an accent?

Nope but i love to talk in them!

Current hate right now?

Early mornings after long nights

What were you doing at 12 AM last night?

Talking to Tina and Jenna and Taryn at the sleepover


Yay. Now you know all about me. That makes for an easy post :) Kinda cheating but I am soooooo tired. Went to a birthday party…smoke machine, strobe lights, DJ, the works. it was crazy and now i have a headache so I must sleep.

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